Thursday, June 14, 2012

Midnight Goodbyes

So tonight was happy, but depressing at the same time.

Zanna and Austen came over tonight to say goodbye and it was wonderful.  I love them both so much and it was nice to be able to say bye, but at the same time I can't believe I'm leaving all of these wonderful friendships behind.  Of course we'll Skype and all that jazz, but it's a billion times better being with people in person.

At least Zanna and I will be roommates this Fall, but a whole entire summer without her will totally stink!  I've moved a lot before, but the older I get the harder it is to say goodbye.

I know what it's like to move.  I know how easy it is to lose touch with people that you were once so close with.  It's sad, but it happens.  And I know what it's like to think back to the time you said goodbye without knowing that it was your last.

I also know what it's like to promise your 10 best friends that you'll keep in touch, but then you get to the new place and realize that if you hold true to that promise you'll never make new ones.  I know how overwhelming and emotionally straining it is to try to keep in touch with everyone you once loved.  It's hard.

You have a million things to worry about in the new place while everyone in your past is feeling forgotten.  I'm not saying I won't keep in touch with my old friends, because trust me I will.  But it'll be hard talking to them much less than I'm use to.  It will be hard knowing that as we get older we will change and maybe things won't ever be quite the same, but no matter how much we change I will never forget my true friends.  How could I ever forget my friends that drove to my house in the middle of the night to comfort me?  Or the friends that prayed with me when we were completely stranded because of a flat tire?  Or the friends that stood by my side as we served, attended the temple, and studied our scriptures?

My Heavenly Father has blessed me with the people that I needed more than ever at this time in my life.  They will always be my friends and I will always remember them.  Unfortunately, life must go on and I won't be able to see them every day like I'm use to, but I know that everything has a purpose.  I know that there will be people at BYU that are the people that I need at this particular time of my life.

And who knows? Maybe someone needs me.

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